Rehabilitation Services
We offer Therapy 7-days a week and are fully staffed with in-house physical, occupational, and speech therapists. Our stroke and neurological recovery and retraining programs aim to help each patient return home capable of performing the activities of daily living.
We also offer:
Orthopedic rehabilitation, including Amputation Care and Hip/Knee Replacements
Pulmonary rehabilitation for conditions such as CPAP/BIPAP, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and Pneumonia
Physical Therapy
Our physical therapists help to prevent falls and injuries if one occurs. Preventing falls is paramount, but knowing the safety measures in case of one is just as important. Through strength training, balance and safety management, our physical therapists are here to help guide and encourage every step of the way.
Occupational Therapy
Our occupational therapy programs aid patients with managing their contenence through bowel and bladder training. We also have a dining program which includes the use of adaptive equipment to perform certain tasks.
Speech Therapy
Relearning to use the various faculties in the mouth and throat after a serious medical emergency such as a stroke, can be difficult. Our speech therapists are experts in helping to improve communication skills through cognitive linguistic therapy as well as Dysphagia Therapy and swallowing management.